205 Live results: Alexander vs. Kendrick - Know The World News

Wednesday 1 August 2018

205 Live results: Alexander vs. Kendrick

Here's a place to check results and comment along with the latest airing of WWE 205 Live as it airs on WWE Network.

After Drew Gulak earned himself a shot at Cedric Alexander’s title - a match DRAKE MAVERICK’s informed us will go down at SummerSlam, 205 Live is pulling the old have-the-babyface-champ-face-the-heel-challenger’s-ally trick this week. Gulak’s been aligned with The Brian Kendrick and Gentleman Jack Gallagher for a while now, and former Cruiserweight Champ Kendrick gets first crack at Ced... likely will Jack and/or Drew in tow. Alexander’s usual back-up might not be around, either, since Mustafa Ali is cryptically tweeting from the hospital.

There are plenty of other storylines percolating. WWE’s official preview for tonight’s show from Tampa is teasing Akira Tozawa getting a match to try to even his series with Lio Rush. Issues between TJP and Noam Dar probably aren’t settled even with their series tied at one win a piece, and Lince Dorado dealing with a thumb injury probably won’t convince Buddy Murphy and Tony Nese to take it easy on Lucha House Party.

We'll post match results and plot developments here. And this gives you Cagesiders a dedicated place to rave and/or bitch about whatever goes down on the WWE’s cruiserweight showcase - while it’s being broadcast at 10PM Eastern!

Enjoy the show!

- Last week’s #1 contender Fatal 4Way gets an epic recap, with a focus on Hideo Itami punishing Mustafa Ali and Drew Gulak’s big win to set up his SummerSlam showdown with Cedric Alexander for the Cruiserweight Title.

- Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness and Percy Watson tell is DRAKE MAVERICK had Gulak and Alexander sign their contract earlier today. Things got testy and we’ll see that later. But first...

- Kalisto vs. Tony Nese via pinfall following Salida del Sol

Each man is out on their own without teammates/allies for this rematch from a few weeks back. Nese’s strength is the answer to a quick early attack from Kalisto. He works over the former champ in and out of the ring while Buddy Murphy watches on from backstage. Tony yanks at the mask out of a rest hold and starts to gloat, which gives Kalisto an opening.

Back and forth, good nearfalls for Kalisto off a crossbody and a spike rana,

another for Nese after he lifted by his arm and thrown head first into the turnbuckles.

Tony twists his knee on a missed moonsault, and that plays a factor when Kalisto counters into his finish.

- After the decision, Buddy Murphy comes out and lifts Kalisto to lawn dart him into the apron. Lince Dorado runs down the ramp and clips Buddy’s knee. The two Lucha House Party members superkick Murphy and celebrate.

- Contract signing time... Alexander cuts off a Gulak monologue, telling him to just sign the paperwork. They do, but Gulak won’t be detered. He says Cedric is content to let others soften up his opponents and hasn’t done anything impressive since winning at WrestleMania. He says Ced will go down in history as “the Brock Lesnar of 205 Live”

- Lio Rush is out with a microphone, saying he’s heard people are annoyed he hasn’t given Akira Tozawa his rematch. He’s a hot commodity, and everyone wants a piece of the 23 year old piece of gold. Rush already went out and found a more worthy challenger...

- Lio Rush vs. Ricky Martinez via pinfall following The Final Hour

Martinez has a bulk advantage, and he powers Rush down early. But Lio evades, hits Ricky with a Tozawa-like suicide dive. Back in for an enziguri, and then the finisher.

- Tozawa charges the ring after the squash, and Rush bails.

- Gulak is coaching up The Brian Kendrick backstage, while we see Alexander warming up alone.

- Cedric Alexander vs. The Brian Kendrick via pinfall following Lumbar Check

Feeling out process early on, but Alexander gets control - even with Kendrick begging off several times.

Just as Gulak arrives to join the commentary team, Brian hides on an Alexander dive

and then drives Ced into the apron and the steel steps to take control.

Alexander fights off a Sliced Bread #2 to send Kendrick to the floor, and connects with a dive this time. A backslide by Brian gets two, then a Neuralyzer connects, but Kendrick rolls out.

He lures Ced into an attack on the floor, then looks in the Captain’s Hook when the champ returns to the ring. Good suspenseful stretch before Alexander finally reaches the ropes.

The two trade some big shots, but when Kendrick looks to climb for Sliced Bread again, Ced counters into his own finisher.

- Gulak climbs the stairs, and Alexander dares him to enter the ring. That’s when Jack Gallagher attacks from behind! A headbutt puts the champ down,

and the Gentleman and The Philly Stretcher close in for the kill when DRAKE MAVERICK runs in with a pair of officials. He tells Drew he’ll lose his title shot if he tries that crap in his territory. Gulak smiles as we fade to black.

from Cageside Seats - All Posts http://bit.ly/2M6OuQc

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